Turkey is my favourite comfort food, and also my favourite holiday treat. It is a heart healthy lean source of protein. Turkey contains nutrients and minerals such as selenium, niacin, and vitamin B6. Instead of using beef when cooking try turkey. Turkey has half the fat beef contains, and 30% less calories. Protein is needed for our bodies to grow. With us women with pcos having a high protein diet also aids in our quest to lose weight. Instead if carbs chose proteins, and turkey my friends is a great source. Next time your at subway, or at a restaurant try to get something with turkey in it. Turkey has less cholestoral that chicken,beef,or pork.
nutrients& minerals:
vitamin c
vitamin a
Selenium is one of the trace mineral in turkey. This is good in order to prevent cancer cell development. It also helps make our immune system alot stronger which protects us from the cold time a year, and the common cold. Many of us women with PCOS have thyroid issues, and the selenium in turkey helps our thyroid hormone metabolism.
Niacin is another mineral found in turkey. It has one of the same helpful properties as selenium which is the fact it helps prevent cancer. With are days getting busier as life goes on and the issues we face, or the small amount of sleep we are getting
**Ways to eat**
you can get Turkey cutlets
ground turkey
turkey pieces
boneless turkey
and the big holiday turkeys :)
Yes, I know it is hard to fit turkey into your healthy diet, but it is possible, so make it happen. Next time your having a salad instead of chicken through in some turkey with almonds for a crunchy taste. Instead of beef hamburgers have turkey. In the morning I love eatting turkey sasuages. When your choosing between sandwich meets chose turkey. Instead of beef in your stirfrys, chilies, or anything your putting it in use turkey.
There is amino acid tryptophan in turkey that helps people with insomina. You know when you have a huge turkey dinner, and than you are soo tired after? That is because the effect of this acid is sleep. I love sleeping after having a holiday meal.
Turkey Nutrition Facts....
per 1 ounce
dietary fibre-0g
vitamin C- 3%
MERRY CHRISTMAS CYSTERS! I want to wish you all the best turkey dinner, and christmas because ladies!! Guess what? You will be eatting Turkey in 7 days!! CHRISTMAS.
So instead of Ham go for the whole Turkey this year.
Your friend Court.
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