Saturday, 19 November 2011

SuperBerries :)

Today I was in walmart, and I saw a drink I've always wanted to try but thought they were priced to high for a little bottle, and now they're on sale!! So I'm pretty sure you could guess today was one of the days I drank something other than green tea and water. I drank a little Acai Berry Smoothie..and mmm was it good. I was aware acai berries are good for you in soo many ways and wanted to try it so I finally did. I'm really into the nutrition part of pcos, and relieving symptoms so I believe superfoods are amazing to help with this condition, and acai berries are a superfood along with Maca. There is different superfoods I am still just finding out about and the classic ones most of us already know. The ones I am just hearing about are hard to find, however most health food stores do sell them in the pill, or powder form, and if you can find a healthy nutrition grocery store you should be able to find them in there aswell. One superfood that I have know for awhile is blueberries, and that is simply because they are my favourite!! Blueberries are easy to find, usually priced well, can be added to anything, and taste good.


  • great source of antioxidants
  • good source of dietary fibre
  • some iron
  • vitamin C
Antioxidants in foods are great for our overall well being. These compounds help fight certain diseases such as cancer, and heart disease. Supplements containing antioxidants are said to promote greater health.

Acai Berry
  • packed with antioxidants
  • minoacids's
  • omega 3's
  • aid in weight loss
  • energy
Omega 3's can benefit heart disease, diabetes, and depression

Goji Berry
  • impact on human health
  • promote performance
  • reduce disease
  • gives protein
Unlike any other fruit, this fruit contains protein. Eat like raisins or put some in your soup or salad. Goji Berries are small red berries that sometimes get mistaken for raisins. When eatting this berry raw you are getting a sufficiant amout of protein, dietary fibre, fat, and carbs.It is a good combination of them all.

Try adding some superfoods into your diet just like I have.

...Too bad strawberries, and rasberries didn't make the cut (N)

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