Friday 11 November 2011

Druken Night

I woke up yesterday to call into my factory job at 6:30 am to see if I had a shift.. the answer was no! I find it to be extreme bullshit because I am hired fulltime at Proctor and Gamble, and have to call in on my scheduled shifts. I was pretty upset just because money this month is tight as is. I went about my day doing me time, and consuming myself with things I like such at video games, tv shows, and writting just to not get stressed out about money. It was not until 2pm when I got the call to go into the group home that I was happy about my day! I got to work with the youth because the home needed two staff on because of one of the girls behaviours the night before. The night went by fine when I was there until 11pm. The girl with the bad behaviours was fine with me. We buried a squirrel she had found, and went to tim hortons to get teas (mine was green :) ) When I was done at 11pm my girlfriends friend Jacob was back home until Wednesday so he wanted to drink. Now I am aware that it is recommended to avoid alcohol while using metaformin because the next morning side effects are brutal (this I know because I had previously experienced them myself) but I decided to drink anyway. Doctors tell patience with pcos to drink in moderation, and trust me I cut down because I used to drink both Friday, and Sat of every weekend, and now it is only one night a month other than the casual ceasar at restaurants. From my understanding alcohol is dangerous while on metforming because you are more likely to get dehydrated or devolp liver problems. I do find I am more dehydrated the next day that's for sure. I will admitt, I am one of the girls that gets drunk off a few beers or shots because of these medications, I find it hard to believe that some people on these medications have a hard time getting drunk. I guess that just goes to show that everyones case of Pcos is different. Besides the issues with alcohol and metformin, alcohol also contributes to a disturbance of hormonal balance which is part of pcos, and causes extreme blood sugar imbalances which contributes to insulin resistance another huge factor in pcos. Last night was fun for me and well needed but trust me when I say I will wait a little before getting wasted again because my head was throbbing today for 5 hours after getting up, and I could not go back to sleep which sucked. I did not throw up this morning like i usually do, so that was a plus. I do no recommend anyone who still likes to enjoy a drink just to quit because of pcos but drink moderately. Me myself I still love that single glass of redwine every now and than and like I said can not pass up that casual ceasar. With Pcos we were told to give up or stop doing so much, but I believe if we do it in moderation differences will show. My question for everyone is :If we have to give up so much, what can we do? I'm chosing to not let pcos take over my whole life..I  hope you are too!

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