Wednesday 30 November 2011

Two Hard weeks! No Carbs**

No pasta, no rice, no bread, no yogurt, no pop, no potatoes,no popcorn, no chips, no cookies, no fruit, no popsicles, no candy, no icecream, no milk, NO FAST FOOD, no corn, no cake, no crackers, no hot chocolate, no sugar, no ketchup, no relish, no carby salad dressings, no cottage cheese, no juice,no cream cheese, no sour cream,no sweet and sour sauce, no barbeque sauce. Sounds like a lot of "NO's " but this is called low carbing no carbing.

I did a no carbing/ low carbing healthy eatting for two weeks... and trust me it was hard! But well worth it :) So For two weeks I drank nothing but Water!! and Green Tea with nothing in it. You can add lemon to your water or green tea once every 2 days if youd like :) I no I said no fruit but lemon water is real good for us. In order for me to not eat other junk I prepared my daily snack, and lunches the night before because I would work the next day. I am aware that Dairy is bad for some of us but I ate alot of cheese for the 2 week no carb/low carb. I cut the brick cheese up or shred it. I would try to eat a snack every two hours so my blood sugar would not drop and I would be extremely hungery. The key to this healthy eatting is you count nothing but the carbs. NO FAT, NO CALORIES. I slighty followed the ATKIN rules. So how it works.. you eat a lot of protein that way your body turns in to a fat burning machine. I did not skip meals! Breakfast is crucial it starts up your metabolism. I ate salad every dinner.. and sometimes at lunch! with usually a little ceasar dressing or and oil based one. I tried not to eat after 8pm.. if you are still hungry try to eat things like EGGS,pickles,califlower or tuna with carbfree MAYO HELLMANS MAYO. I always used some sort of cooking oil instead of butters. You will also notice that alot of the things are repeat because they all help.

The first week is crucial to us ladies.. It is make or brake time.. and your body is getting used to the protein and no more sugar or carbs... So even cheating a little in the 1st week is a NO, NO!

When I noticed my hair falling out I wanted to try anything to stop it and restart regrowth and I know the foods listed in what I ate may not sound ideal they help. So you need to ask yourself how bad do you really want it?

8-11am Breakfast-   Eggs whites with cheese& mushrooms & peppers tea to drink

10-12pm Snack-        cucumber or celery   water

12-2pm   Lunch-        dill pickles turkey sandwichmeat brocolli  (NO BREAD) water

2-4pm   Snack-          2 hard boiled eggs  Large green tea black or with cinnamon in it.

4-6pm   Dinner-         Skinless chicken breast with aspargus in the middle of it, so cut chicken breast   when almost cooked in the middle place some aspargus and cheese. Mushrooms , salad with tomatoes cucumber.

6-8pm Snack-           Pre cooked in the oven shrimp or a few slices of cheese. Water, Water

8-11am        Breakfast      2 over easy eggs with cheese melted on them with pepper.. try and limit salt aswell. With green tea and cinnamon.

10-12pm-      Snack        cheese slices or carrots

12pm-2pm    Lunch         tuna mixed with Hellmans MAYo no carb. green olives, pickles

2-4pm          Snack          cut peppers, and cut celery

4-6pm           Dinner        any type of fish non breaded with lemon sauce real lemons, or an oil based salad dressing once made or mustard because mustard has no carbs. A salad chicken cesar salad without the crutons.

6-8pm          Snack          hard boiled egg and celery

   8-11am     Breakfast     Turkey susages, eggs whites with cheese green tea

10-12pm    Snack          chesse and peppers water

12-2pm      Lunch          Garden Salade with some sort of meat alone slices or pieces.. Chicken Turkey, fish are the best  Water

2-4pm        Snack           olives, hard boiled eggs, pickles water

4pm-6pm   Dinner          Chicken wings non breaded with hot sauce, Or sasages with mustard. Green Bean and salad. Chicken BLT salad with Bacon chicken pieces and and oil based dressing water& more water

6pm-8pm   Snack            Tuna and cucumbers.. put the tuna on the cucumbers with black pepper mmmm Large green tea

8-11am    Breakfast        veggie omelete made out of egg whites, with peppers, mushrooms cheese..Greentea

10-12pm  Snack            any type of meat deli, or natural with cheddar cheese, and pickles WATER

12-2pm   Lunch             Salad with tomatoes mushrooms raw and cucumber WATER

2-4pm     Snack            pre cooked shirmp  celery WATER

4-6pm    Dinner            boiled spinach, lean pork chop, salad with egg cut up. Green tea

6-8pm   Snack            cucumber and tuna WATER

8-11am       Breakfast      cheese and scrambled egg whites with bacon. YES we are allowed to have bacon just not more than 2 pieces cut in half equally 4 small pieces. Green Tea and Cinnamon

10-12pm     Snack          pickles cheddar cheese pieces

12pm-2pm   Lunch          Iceberg lettuce with radishes calliflower and turkey pieces make into a salad

2-4pm         Snack          2 hard boiled eggs

4-6pm         Dinner         steak, salad of your choice, boiled brocoli

6-8pm         Snack           2 hotdogs without the bun.

8-11am      Breakfast       poched or fried eggs 2 with cheese, and mushrooms GREEN TEA

10-12pm    Snack            celery cucumber brocolli califlower with ceasar dressing water

12-2pm      Lunch            Grilled skinless chicken with pickles or olives  water

2-4pm        Snack              cheese slices Water

4-6pm       Dinner            Brussel sprouts boiled, pork roast or roast beef mustard.. and a ceasar salad without crutons. Green Tea

6-8pm     Snack             Tuna Cumcumber olives. WATER

8-11am      Breakfast      two sunny side up eggs with precooked turkey slices, cheese with eggs GREENTEA

10-12pm   Snack           tuna or precooked turkey sausages. water

12-2pm      Lunch          salad with chicken in it so chicken BLT salad. That was my favourite. Ceasar dressing WATER

2-4pm      Snack           peppers, celery

4-6pm      Dinner           Ham, cheese pieces, 1 hard boiled egg . caeasar salad

6-8pm      Snack         your choice veggie!

So as you can see it looks boring but the key is going with PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN.. AND VEGGIES VEGGIES VEGGIES. I ate any meat as can you..when chosing meat try and get lean. The few things i cut up and brought with me daily as snacks to mix and match were cheese, peppers, celery, cucumber, olives, pickles.

ONE THING... if you do like olives they are considered a treat. I personally buy the ones that have no carbs but if you do not limit your olive consumption

If you notice my week you will see I do not change vegetable a lot and that is because the ones I selected have a good net carb that I did not mind.

celery one stalk                     .8  net carbs
cucumber  half cup                 1 net carb
brocolii  raw   half cup           1 net carb
calliflower  raw half cup         1 net carb
peppers  raw half cup            2.3 net carbs  
spinach half cup raw             .2 net carbs
mushrooms half cup              1.2 net carbs

As for Vegetable such as

tomatoes they have             4.3 net carbs  per tomatoe
corn ..doesnt even make the list it is too starchy.

 So as you can see.. if you just mix it up the second week with what I have provided you will be fine. BECAuse I think you can tell I just switched it up a little daily.

WHEN YOU are done your first week treat yourself try the EGG PIZZA YUM!! The hardest thing for me was bread but I did it.. close after was the pasta! Its hard but very DOABLE!!

Goodluck tell me how your two week healthy eatting goes. You have any questions or want to post how it went you are able to post on the blog under comments. Thanks Ladies ....Your friend Court


  1. My only question is is this a diet that you can eat for the rest of your life? Seems a bit extreme to me and if it isn't something you can maintain you won't maintain the weight loss.
    I prefer using the glycemic index to guide my eating choices. I try to eat as much on the low end of the index as possible. Of course, I'm diabetic so this type of eating is essential. In one year of eating this way I've kept my sugars stable and gotten my A1C down from 5.8 to 5.3. The thing I like the most about a low GI diet is it is something that you can do forever.
    Nice self will to get through such a tough diet. Good luck in the future.

  2. The thing is rachel once the first two weeks are up and you have turned your body into a fat burner you readd fruits but the key is to eatting carbs in moderation. It has been a year I have now lost 30 pounds. Also when you do eat carbs you eat them with protein so you are burning that.
    good comment. thanks
