Saturday 3 December 2011


My neck, my face,my back geez I feel like I'm one large connect the dots activty. I was my face whenever I get the chance because it is always oily, I have white, I have black, and I have these things that are just red bumps everywhere. I pop and pop and pop but they just keep comming back. I'm blotchy, I'm spotty, I turn different colours, and than I am popped! what am I? A pimple! If your having pimple issues it is probally the cause of acne.

Many of us cysters have a large amount of acne. If this is your case you can try first off to improve your insulin sesitivity by choosing low glycemic foods or doctor prescribed medications. We experience acne because our hormones are not balanced...well uhh duh! Acne comes from excess androgens and imflammation due to other hormones. However, Insulin it the key hormone that creates our acne. Once we get our hormones back under control, and normal acne will no longer be a symptom to distress about. Medications do work for acne but, they are not dealing with the underlyning cause which is our hormones.. they are only masking the symptom we are facing. DHT created by androgens( TESTOSTERON) promotes oil which can lead to clogged pores resulting in acne. Ance with pcos women have occur on their face, neck, chest, and back.


Oily foods DO NOT cause acne

Dairy, and carbs contribute to acne

cleaning your bedsheets once a week will help

Avoiding Sugar, and other refined carbrohyrates will also improve acne symptoms

If you are experiencing Acne you can always go to your family doctor, and get a refferal to a dermatologist that specializes in skin.. or even better a endocriniologist who specializes in HORMONES.The causes for acne with women with pcos are first off hormones, and insulin resistance but, Stress, medications, makeup, too much face washing, and allergies also contribute to acne.


  • Spirnolactone..Spiro blocks aldosterone hormones that increase our blood pressure. Aldosterone is like testosterone so the medication blocks this hormone aswell. In all it helps lower our androgens therefore treating acne. My sister had acne, and does not even have pcos but the doctor prescribed her with spiro to eliminate the acne
  • Birth control
  • Metformin.. it helps with our insulin resistance which helps acne
Previously mentioned medications only mask our symptoms, we need to deal with the underlying cause. If you do chose to go with medications you can do a combination.

You may also want to chose vitamins or herbs to help you handle/ relieve your acne. Saw Palmetto, Vitamin E, Omega 3, Selenium, and B6 help with acne issues.

Enough with the popping already, drop the mirror, and go make your move :)

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