Monday 5 December 2011

Emotional Well Being


When I started to notice my hair was thinning in college I remember going to bed for the next week crying because I did not know what to do. I told my mother, father, sister,bestfriend, and boyfriend at the time that I thought I was balding they all thought I was crazy. I started questioning myself is it all in my head. When I started losing my hair I noticed how much would fall out and count it..yes not fun.. and a;ways take cellphone photos of the back of my head. I remember calling my college proff at one of the end of the semester jail visits and saying I could not make it crying to her on the phone because I was self concious. My family friends, and boyfriend quickly got sick of me talking about losing my hair. I was unable to focus, and than I started to believe my head was burning where hair was falling out. This hair loss obession took up my life.. my time.. everything I thought had to do with hair. When it was really bad I went to my doctor and told him I could no longer focus on other things in my daily life and he put me on Cirplex for Obsessive compulsive/ anxiety issues. Another thing I did that was wrong was read all the negative stories about hair loss. But its been about a year and a half now and I can honestly say I do not think about hair 90% of my day anymore its down to about 10%. Last time I went to the endocriniologist she said she saw hair growth, so I still waiting for the day I notice the impact of growth.. I will continue trying and not give up I am determined

Anyways, My story contributes to my emotional well being. At the start of this hair loss journey I was depressed, anxious, lonely, isolated, stressed out, and moody. I was a wreck very emotionally unstable. For ladies who do not know emotional well being is related to mental health concerns. With symptoms we are faced with such as acne, hair growth , and hair loss we start to build a poor self esteem. Not only do these symptoms affect our self esteem the tend to make us emotionally unstable aswell, so we must try to tak care of our own well being as part of recovery. On top on the unstibility and syptoms the syndrome itself is associated with mood disorders like depression/bipolar.

The hormonal changes are the know cause of emotional smyptoms  we are faced with. Treating our PCOS may be a better treatment for our moods depression, and anxiety than antidepressants. With us not taking care of our well being we have a greater chance of likely getting METABOLIC DISEASE due to the stress.

Emotional distress is the gap between the way you want things, and the way they are - Annette Colby


  • openly talk about your symptoms
  • talk to your cysters, you are not alone
  • recognize PCOS is a major stress but you will survive
  • change up your lifestyle (eatting,drinking,suppourt groups)
  • Admit to people why you turned down that cheeseburger
  • Identify your strenghts daily and build on them. Do NOT FOCUS ON NEGATIVES
  • let go of things that are not working
  • believe in the bigger you
  • Chose a hobby that is not stressful, like reading, writting, yoga, walking, and fit it into your day to relieve stress.
Day by Day step by step, Let each and everyone of us know that we will never be alone. Although I may be in another part of the world or speaking to you via computer screen I am still her for you, for I am your cyster and this was the hand that was chosen for us. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS..I WILL GET THROUGH THIS...YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS..


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