Saturday 10 December 2011

Trying To Concieve*

Mark, Scott, Shawn, Adam, Brody, Aiden, Trevor, Jesse, Robbie, Kyle, Wayne, Shane, Geoff, chris, Jordan, Justin, Ryan, Cody, Riley.... Now what about if it is a girl? Kerry, Amber, Courtney, Brittany, Payton, Maddie, Ava, Brielle, Lisa, Alanna, Vanessa, Grace, Christina, Michelle, Melissa, Raylene, Elaine, Sarah, Jessica, Robin, Jenna.. Yes! I like those names :)

The problem many women with PCOS face is the fact that is hard to get pregnant. And than once we are pregnant is it hard to make sure we do not have a misscarriage. There are many things us women with pcos can do to better our chances of pregnancy. Different Medications, and different healthy living skills will help in our journey on trying to concieve.

The doctor told me I was unable to get pregnant, and at that time I was not on Birth control. He told me to lose weight, and eat better for my PCOS so I did. I started going to the gym four nights a week and liminating my carb intake. I was taking metformin, and drinking lots of green tea to aid in weight loss.. also water. At the gym I chose to run on the treadmill for 25 minutes a night and than stick to weight training sometimes I would use the walker. After about 2 months of excercise my stomach started hurting one day. I was used to irregular periods so I was not worried. After 2 weeks of stomach pains and having to leave class to throw up I tried a pregnancy test...And well what do you know after two tests to be sure...I WAS PREGNANT. My doctor could not believe it!

Excercise is key to helping us women get pregnant. Even if you are unable to do a large amount of it start with walking a little. Situp I started with 20 two times a day and move up every 4 days or when I am comfortable to 5 more. I avoid drinking alcohol as much as possible now because it aids in weight loss. Even just losing a little percent of your body fat will help, and it will continue to progress with the more you lose.

Vitex also know as  chaste tree Chasteberry helps with fertility.
Vitex is a well known herb that has been used in Euroup for centuries. It is used for women with hormonal imbalances. Chasteberry can be taken daily for up to 18 months or until you get pregnant. However, Like many medications with PCOS it may take up to three months to see results.

175mg vitex extract
30-50 drops three times per day

  • Corrrects menstral cycles
  • Reduces chance of misscarriage
  • Regulates balance of estrogen and proestrogen
  • Reduces depression
  • Helps with acne
  • Gets rid of cysts on ovaries
Maca is another supplement that helps with fertility because Maca being a superfood it helps balance out our hormons amd gives us energy and vitality, but also makes us more fertile.

Clomid is given by your doctor, it does increase the risk of multiple births but hey if you are ready for it GO FOR IT! :) The way Clomid works is it causes an egg to mature, and release from our ovaries because as we know we have trouble with ovulation. What clomid does is induce ovulation in us women trying to concieve. It does this by increasing our proestrogen levels in our blood to create ovulation. If we are having problems with Fertility and weight loss, and excerise just are not working this is the first line of treatment.

Vitamins we should be taking when trying to concieve that will help our chances are:

VITAMIN C........
B6 AND B12.......

When trying to concieve it is also a good idea to get ideal amounts of sleep, reduce stress, and get support maby by even just talking to reduce frustration because I know it can be a frustrating journey. Healthy nutrional eatting is also key eat lots of veggies, and lean proteins. You have to get your body prepared for this pregnancy, and thus allowing it to take place. Vegetables such as brocolli help regulate estrogens metabolisms.Whole grains are rich in sources of iron and vitamin B which is needed for enhancing fertility hormones. You need to eat the right fats to get pregnant so include a handful of nuts into your daily diet. Remember stay hydrated by water because it not only helps in the proper function of our reproductive organs but also supplies the sperm with natural fluid to reach our cirvex!


Good luck to all my cysters trying to concieve it will happen when the time is right. Do not give up hope keep doing the right thing.. the saying is....



  1. Court - Thank you for sharing this blog. Your positive attitude is a ray of sunshine. I think that reading it could help me to be motivated to make the changes that I need to in my life. - Sallie
